Important Information
Policies and Guidance
Safeguarding Consultant
The school invests in regular support from Safeguarding First (Pam Gartland) an Education Safeguarding Consultant who delivers staff safeguarding training annually. The consultant completes and reviews an annual safeguarding audit of the schools procedures and includes termly supervisory visits. The Safeguarding Consultant regularly informs the school about how to learn from serious case reviews and alerts the school to current issues such as raising awareness on extremism, county lines and upskirting.
Operation Encompass
What is Operation Encompass?
Operation Encompass is an initiative led by Cleveland Police, launched on 1st October 2015. It is a process by which Key adults (Safeguard Leads) in schools, academies and nurseries are informed that a child/young person may have been affected by domestic abuse within 24 hours of the event taking place.
How will it help?
The sharing of information between police and schools will allow early intervention support by Key adults in schools and will assist the child to remain in school to continue learning in a safe and secure environment.
What will we do?
At Whale Hill Primary School, we will ensure that we will:
· participate fully in Operation Encompass;
· identify key adults;
· complete the Log Sheet; and
· complete the summary sheet for statistical and auditing purposes.
More information about operation encompass can be found at:
Events In School
All the adults who work within Whale Hill Primary School provide a safe and secure environment for children to learn and make good progress, while teaching them to recognise risks in different situations and how to protect themselves and stay safe. We invite a range of services to come into school to deliver assemblies and workshops so that the children know who they are able to talk to (inside and outside of school) if ever they have any worries or concerns.
The NSPCC visited Key Stage Two to share information about their campaign ‘Speak Out. Stay Safe.’
Their specially trained staff and volunteers held an interactive assembly for Key Stage Two followed by a workshop for the Year 5 and 6 children. With the help of their mascot, Buddy, they covered topics about bullying and abuse to deliver the message of speaking to someone in order to make them feel safe. During the assembly and workshop, pupils learned about the different types of abuse, in a child-friendly and age appropriate way, so they can get help if or when they need it. Trained NSPCC staff helped the children understand and identify a trusted adult they can talk to if they’re ever worried about themselves or a friend. They also learned about Childline, and how it offers support to children.

Lockdown Procedures
Lockdown Procedure
Keeping pupils safe is our priority, and we have a plan in place for ‘lockdowns’. We have a lockdown procedure, which will be used if there is an internal or external incident that poses a threat to pupils and staff.
Lockdown procedures may be activated in response to any number of situations, but some of the more typical might be:
o A reported incident / civil disturbance in the local community (with the potential to pose a risk to staff and pupils in the school).
o An intruder on the school site (with the potential to pose a risk to staff and pupils).
o A warning being received regarding a risk locally, of air pollution (smoke plume, gas cloud etc.)
o A major fire in the vicinity of the school.
o The close proximity of a dangerous dog roaming loose.
If the school goes in to lockdown, parents/carers will be sent the following message:
‘The school is in a full lockdown situation. During this period, the telephone and entrances will be unmanned, external doors locked and nobody allowed in or out.’
We ask that you:
o Do not contact the school, as this could tie up telephone lines that are needed for contacting the emergency services.
o Do not come to school.
o Wait for the school to contact you, informing you that it is safe to collect your child.
A Lockdown Drill will take place once a year to ensure that pupils are prepared for these scenarios. You will be informed via Parent Mail in advance of this taking place.

Mrs Marsden
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Head Teacher

Mr Forster
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Designated Teacher for CIOC
Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs Dunn
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Assistant Head Teacher and SENDCO

Mrs Gordon
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Assistant Head Teacher

Mrs Haith
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Assistant Head Teacher

Miss McGee
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Pastoral/Attendance Co-Ordinator

Mrs Phoenix
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Designated Mental Health Leader (DMHL)

Mr Jackson
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding Governor
Contact Information
Whale Hill Primary School
Sandsend Road
Telephone/Fax: (01642) 454 339