Time 4 You
At Whale Hill, we use the Time 4 You service to offer counselling support to our children. Time 4 You counsellors are qualified and experienced and know how to listen and help. They take young people’s problem seriously and work with them to find a good solution. They can help young people deal with the sadness when someone has died, or how to manage anxiety and worries as well as help them work through decision’s about going forward in life. Counsellors use a number of recognised measurement tools to identify the particular needs and strengths of our clients. These provide a good measurement of progress and changes before, during and after counselling.
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is used to measure emotions and behaviours in children and young people. Time 4 You use this tool with parents/carers and teachers to gain insight into the young person’s particular issues. The scales measure:
- Emotional symptoms,
- Conduct problems,
- Hyperactivity/inattention,
- Peer relationships problem,
- Prosocial behaviour.
We use these scores to assess at the start of therapy and also to measure how effective counselling has been in addressing issues.
Parental Involvement
At Whale Hill Primary, we will always require parental permission to refer a child to the counselling service. Parents and carers are encouraged to come and meet with the counsellor before and after the counselling has finished.
Confidentiality and Safety
Confidentiality and the safety of all young people is of paramount importance to us at Whale Hill Primary and to counsellors at Time 4 You. They will keep any information confidential that a young person requests them too, except if there are concerns that the young person is at risk of serious harm. They will always inform a young person and involve them in the decisions they have to make to keep them safe. This will always be explained clearly to a young person each step of the way.